Adopt Twitch Today
Twitch is a Nigerian Dwarf Goat, born to Crystal (and Humphrey) on June 27, 2022. Twitch is white with black markings and has a twin sister Peggy who has blue eyes. Twitch decided to go on an adventure in the wee hours of the morning just after he was born and fell asleep in the straw outside the pen where he was born. When we discovered him and took him back to Mom he was already dry and Mom refused him and butted him away from her and Peggy. Little twitch was bottle fed in the house until big enough to go back into the barn with the other goats. Twitch got his name from his twitchy dance moves (Twitch from the Ellen show was the inspiration) when he was a baby. Twitch was very chatty as a youngster and loved to play, now he is very calm, he has grown a handsome little beard and puffy hairdo and he still loves to be held and rocked by his “Mom” Cheryl.
Pricing/Package Available
Package A – $50
- A certificate of adoption and info on the package chosen (sent by email)
- A package on Twitch which includes an image, personal details, personality traits and details on the species (sent by email)
- An update on Twitch twice per year (sent via email)
- A Zoom call with Twitch – Date and time must be pre-booked
Package B – $250
All of Package A PLUS:
- A private 1 hour meet and greet play time with Twitch for up to 4 people. During this time you will get introduced to Twitch, be able to cuddle, play, feed and take photos with him. Date and time must be pre-booked
The fine print on my adoption:
- The adopter will be the individual named on the certificate and the adoption cannot be transferred or refunded
- Adoption is for 1 year from the time of purchase and can be renewed if desired
- Package inclusions purchased must be used within the adoption period
- Adoption does not imply ownership of the animal
- An animal may be adopted by more than one person
- If your adopted animal is no longer available at the farm during your adoption period (ie death of the animal or other reason) you will be provided another animal and their package for the remainder of your adoption time